Cognigy Blog

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Jarrod Davis

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What is an AI-First Contact Center and Why It Matters

If doing the same thing led to a different outcome, the current contact center concept and setup would still b...

AI Agents: Transforming eCommerce & Retail Customer Service

Since the advent of digital commerce, the retail and eCommerce industries have been presented withamazing oppo...

From Trends to Transformation: The AI-First Contact Center

A convergence of technology, labor, business, and consumer trends is fundamentally reshaping customer service,...

How Conversational & Generative AI Are Transforming Customer Service in Healthcare

The healthcare industry has long faced the dual challenge of providing high-quality care while managing an eve...

Smart Grids and Dumb Service: How AI is Transforming Customer Support in Utilities

The utilities industry is surrounded by digital transformation on all sides, from smart grids, IoT technology,...

How 1 Agent Handles 20 Million Calls a Year

Prepare to be amazed: the title of this blog is undeniably clickbaity, yet it's also 100% accurate. A single a...

Unleashing the Power of AI Agents in the Insurance Industry

The world seems more uncertain than ever these days. People seek certainty and they want to feel heard, unders...

Getting Started Guide: Generative AI Open Beta

You may have seen that we recently announced the beginning of the open beta launch of our new Generative AI fe...

7 Reasons ChatGPT Alone Can't Deliver the Customer Service You Need

With ChatGPT making a huge splash in the news lately, people are asking what this means for Conversational AI....

Amazon is Killing Alexa, but the Future of Voice is Bright

A recent article from Ars Technica details Alexa's years of failure. Surprised? Most people were. Yet, the fir...

What’s the Difference Between Standard & Conversational IVR?

If you analyzed every time a customer called support over the past several years, what do you think the most p...

How to use CAI to improve service level & end channel hopping

Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI), or perhaps more clearly put conversational service automation ca...