Minimized TTS Latency with Streaming and More in Cognigy.AI v4.71

1 min read
Nhu Ho
Authors name: Nhu Ho March 10, 2024

Cognigy.AI v4.71 features Streaming support for ElevenLabs Text-to-Speech service to drastically reduce latency and enable instant audio responses by voice AI Agents.

Streaming TTS for Reduced Latency and Enhanced VUX

Traditional Text-to-Speech software waits for full text submission and processing before audio playback. With long bot utterances, these systems are conducive to noticeable latency that impacts seamless voice experiences. 

Cognigy.AI -Streaming TTS

Cutting-edge Streaming TTS technology now enables immediate speech generation by processing text inputs in real-time. Audio starts as soon as the initial words are processed, allowing for ongoing text receipt and simultaneous voice output.

Cognigy.AI -Streaming TTS

Streaming TTS sets a new benchmark for real-time voice interactions by significantly lowering latency. It shines in two critical areas:

  • GenAI-Powered Voice Interactions: Leveraging LLMs in a controlled manner significantly enhances and personalizes customer interactions instantly. With Streaming TTS, AI Agents can return LLM-powered outputs as they are being produced.
  • Real-Time Translation on Voice: Streaming plays back audio responses concurrently with text translation, thereby minimizing voice RTT technical latency. 

    👉 See Voice RTT in Action

You can enable Streaming in the Voice Gateway Portal when configuring ElevenLabs as the STT service of choice.

Cognigy.AI - Streaming TTS

Other Improvements


  • Improved the Package Upload capability to resume on connection failure
  • Improved the default password policy for the organization to include a minimum of 1 special character and require a minimum length of 12 characters
  • Added new voices for text-to-speech for the Deepgram provider

Cognigy Insights

  • Moved the locale filters back to the additional filters panel
  • Improved by hiding the grain label in the widget's detailed view
  • Removed the redundant indent from the Transcript Explorer details
  • Changed the UI of the filters panel

For further information, check out our complete Release Notes here.
